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Having looked for information in Internet, I would like to share my findings on the advantages and the disadvantages of converting to Singapore Citizen here. I hope the information can serve as a reference and provide knowledge for people who have the thought of converting to Singapore Citizen. Therefore you can make the right decision without any regret.
As a disclaimer, the information here is not meant to induce people to or not to convert to Singapore Citizen. On the other hand, your feedback and input are most welcomed here.
As a disclaimer, the information here is not meant to induce people to or not to convert to Singapore Citizen. On the other hand, your feedback and input are most welcomed here.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Converting to Singapore Citizen
- Citizens' sons have to go through national service. First generation PRs and foreign born citizens do not have to serve but their sons will be enlisted upon reaching 16-1/2 years. They will serve 2 years of full-time NS at 18 years of age. Thereafter, they serve intermittent duty as citizen-soldiers for a cycle of 10 years.
- PR's children borne in Singapore becomes only PR but Singapore Citizen's children borne anywhere will automatically become Singapore Citizens.
Click HERE to take a look at the childcare INCENTIVES that you may be entitled to.
- Citizens over 21 years can buy or rent subsidized public housing from the HDB while PRs can only buy resale flats.
- Married Citizens who are first time buyers can get CPF housing grants of S$30,000 to buy from the open market and S$40,000 if the apartment is near where their parent's or where their married children lived.
- In upgrading of HDB flats Citizens pay a fraction of HDB upgrading costs while PR pay for the full cost.
- Singapore citizens are entitled to a subsidized mortgage loan rate of 0.1% above the CPF rate (HDB Concessionary Loan) while PRs have to take a loan from a bank/financial institution that is licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore to provide housing loans.
- Citizens can buy all types of private residential property but PR must seek permission from the Law Ministry if they want to buy landed property or any unit in a low rise apartment development which has less than 6 levels.
See also this COMPARISON Table on the BENEFIT in housing subsidies and scheme.
- Citizens do not pay fees in government and government aided schools. PRs pay concessionary fees. Free primary school education, pay concessionary rates of $5 a month in secondary school, $6 a month in Junior College or centralised institute, up to 75% subsidy at university for Citizens. For PRs, $3.50 a month in primary school, $6 a month in secondary school, $7 a month in Junior College or centralised institute, pay 10% more fee than citizens in ITE, polytechnics, university.
FIND more benefit in education SUBSIDIES and scheme on this COMPARISON Table.
- Citizens enjoy more subsidy in hospital and polyclinics. 80% subsidy in Class C ward, 65% subsidy in Class B ward. PRs enjoy 5-10% less in hospital subsidy. For polyclinics subsidy, Citizens get 50% subsidy, while PRs get 25%.
MORE benefit in healthcare subsidies and SCHEME is listed on this COMPARISON Table.
- Citizens have the right to vote in Presidential and Parliamentary Elections; they also have the right to stand for election and become a Member of Parliament (MP). Singapore PRs however are not eligible for these political rights.
- Only Singapore citizen can apply for a Singapore International Passport which has very little travel restrictions around the world.
- Citizens receive ad hoc CPF top up from the government.
- Citizens qualify for tax rebates of S$5,000 to S$20,000 if their 2nd child is borne after Jan 1st 1987. More tax rebates & subsidies are now available even for the 4th child. Citizens who are working mothers qualify for tax rebates equal to 15% of their income at the time of her 3rd and 4th child birth if she elects for separate income tax assessment.
Please feel free to share any other advantages and disadvantages that you know of.
Read more articles on benefits of converting to Singapore Citizen
The Benefits in Education Subsidies & Scheme
The Benefits in Healthcare Subsidies & Schemes
Tax Benefits & Incentives for Singapore Citizens & PRs
The Dollars & Sense of Citizenship - The Straits Times
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