In fact, it is similar to the 'chicken and egg' problem; which one comes first: is it the chicken or the egg. Applying this concept to our wealth, we will come across to the question, which one is more important; to accumulate wealth or to protect it. Well, in my opinion, which one comes first or which one has more priority is not crucial. Why do I say that? It is because I believe that both are important and they work complementary side by side. Therefore, timing plays an important role in maintaining the cohesiveness of wealth protection and accumulation.
In general, this cycle begins when we get our first salary or income. At that moment, we have to ask ourselves, how to accumulate the income to achieve our long term objective and how to protect it during any turbulence in our life.
Alright, let us look at the wealth protection in this posting as the title suggests. The wealth accumulation will be discussed in other section in this blog.
Regarding the wealth protection, let me revise the three reasons why I feel it is very important.
- we can't predict what will happen to us in future
- medical fee is unpredictable yet surprising
- it will eat up the wealth that we have built up
Yeah, I think that's also the public opinion on insurance agents. I used to have that kind of thought. That's why two years ago, I always had meet-up with a lot of agents to find one that really suits my financial objective. I tried to know as much as possible about insurance and the person who will handle my finance. I do not want to be cheated or whatsoever. I told myself that I had to rely on myself. Yes, that's true. I met and talked to a number of agents from different companies. I gained knowledge in this field.
However, I couldn't find a person that is able to put my interest above his/hers. Till one day, I met a person that introduced herself as a "financial adviser". Wow, it sounds cool, doesn't it? But what is a financial adviser exactly? How differ is financial adviser compared to insurance agent? What is their main objective? How do they do thing? Well, we are going to discuss these in the next posting...
wish you a happy reading:)
to be continued
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