
How To Make Full Use Every Drop Of Your Fuel

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With the price of fuel keeps increasing, it means our expense keeps increasing too:) In this article, we will see how to make full use every drop of our fuel without sacrificing much the convenience that we get.

1. Plan your route from the starting to the destination address

Know how to reach your destination by either experience, asking people, or searching from internet. Take note any short cuts to your destination. Besides, avoid peak hours where traffic congestion is high.

2. Inflate your tyres regularly

Make sure your tyres be fully filled. Under-inflated tyres use more petrol because it needs more energy to run. Keep a habit to get it checked periodically.

3. Keep the speed constant as you drive

This will keep fuel consumption constant too. Any increase in speed will consume more fuel.

4. Do not speed

Beside speeding is dangerous, it will also increase fuel consumption. Especially at speeds over 90kmh, fuel consumption increases rapidly.

5. Make your car more aero-dynamic by winding up all windows

By making your car more aero-dynamic, it needs less energy to make it move at specific speed. Hence, it will save the fuel consumption.

6. Switch off the engine when you are stationary or waiting for someone

Although it is stationary, car still needs fuel to keep the engine alive. Therefore by taking this action, it will help in consuming less fuel.

7. Clear your car of junk

Any extra weight on car will increase petrol consumption. This is logically true as it needs more energy to drive heavier load. By taking more load, the car will slow down. In order to keep it to the previous speed, it needs more energy, hence fuel is used more.

8. All electronics appliances sourced from the car need to be used sparingly

The examples are air-conditioner, on-board handphone chargers, on-board television.

9. Make sure your petrol cap fits tightly

Petrol can easily evaporate if the cap is not air-tight.

Well of course the nine points mentioned above are not the only way to save on petrol. If you have any other way, feel free to share it here:)

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