Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia. Well, it is famous for its heavy traffic jam. However, you can find a variety of food here. As for your information, I have not tried the food at those places. So, please do give it a try and do not forget to come back here to give your comment.
BUBUR AYAM (Chicken Porridge)
- Bubur Ayam Cikini, depan KFC (malam)
- Bubur Ayam Hotel Indonesia (malam)
- Bubur Ayam Jl. Tanjung, Menteng
- Bubur Ayam Cideng, Ps. Cideng Tanah Abang (malam)
- Bubur Ayam Sukabumi, Tebet
- Bubur Ayam Senayan: yang enak yang di depan Istora,
mobil Ijo (Minggu pagi) adanya pagi doank pas Lari pagi hari minggu
- Bubur Ayam Sukabumi, Jl. Radio Dalam, pas tikungan kalo malem
Sabtu & Minggu banyak anak-anak bubaran Cafe nongkrong di sana
- Bubur Ayam depan RS Pondok Indah (pagi)
- Bubur Ayam Sawangan, depan Polsek Sawangan, Cinere (pagi)
- Bubur Ayam Barito, setelah RS Bersalin Bunda, sebelah kuburan
- Bubur Olimo / Bubur Hostes, di jalan Hayam Wuruk,
setelah jalan Mangga Besar, bisa makan pake B2 merah putih atau goh
NASI GORENG (Fried Rice)
- Nasi Goreng Kambing Kebon Sirih (malam)
- Nasi Goreng Jl. Lembang, Menteng: jangan salah pilih cari yang rame
dikunjungi orang
- Nasi Goreng Jl. Lombok, Menteng
- Nasi Goreng Sosis, seberang Lippo Menteng depan ex Nanaban Tei
- Nasi Goreng Sea Food Cikini, dekat KFC
- Nasi Goreng Kambing Bakti, dekat Senopati, masuk dari Pom Bensin
Senopati, Nasi Goreng Kambing + Pete
- Nasi Goreng Pekalongan/Pondok Labu, Jl. Fatmawati, Pondok Labu,
depannya ex. Circle K
- Nasi Goreng Jl. Daksa: tau deh sekarang masih buka apa ngga...?
- Nasi Goreng Kambing Sabang
- NASI GORENG NGK (Nasi Goreng Kambing) Bumen Jaya, di Penjernihan
jual juga nasi goreng ayam, ada juga mie rebus
- NGK (Nasi Goreng Kepiting) Rumah Makan Mandala, di Santa atau
Pasar Mayestik
- Nasi Uduk Mas Miskun, Jl. Kramat Raya, dekat Hotel Acacia
- Nasi Uduk Gondangdia, di bawahnya Fly Over Kereta Jl. Gondangdia Lama
- Nasi Uduk Babe Saman, Jl. Kebon Kacang II, kalau nggak salah
- Nasi Uduk Rawa Mangun, dekat Terminal Rawamangun
- Nasi Uduk Spesial Jl. Kali Malang, deket terminal, dekat perempatan
Jati Bening
- Warteg Warmo, Tebet: setiap orang pasti tahu
- Nasi Uduk Dikun, depan Komp. Pertanian, Ps. Minggu
- Warteg Setia, Jl. Fatmawati, depan Ps. Mede: tempat makan selebriti
- Nasi Uduk Pasar Cikini
- Nasi Uduk Pasar Gang Kenari
- Mie Yamin/Bakmi Udin, Jl. Besuki, deket SD Besuki, Menteng
- Bakso / Mie Bakso Jl. Tanjung
- Mie Ayam Gang Kelinci: katanya sih yang enak di Gang Kelinci Ps. Baru
- Mie Ayam Gajah Mada, Jan ditanya, enak, lokasi banyak
- Bakmi Ps. Cikini
- Bakso Komplek IKJ, deket Bioskop 21: tongkrongannya anak-anak IKJ
- Bakso / Siomay LIA Pramuka
- Bakso Matraman, di Jl. Matraman Raya, sebelahnya SD Marsudirini
Es Durennya ennak tennan....
- Mie deket gereja, depan PARKIT, Sabang
- Bakmi Tropik, Ambassador Mall, Jl. Casablanca
- Mie Lomie, Karet: awas ada Babi-nya
- Baso Lapangan Tembak, Senayan
- Mie Ayam Buncit, di Jl. Warung Buncit
- Mie Engkoh, depan Komp. Pertanian Ps. Minggu
- Bakso Titoti, dari Pancoran kira2 400m dari Goro sebelah kiri jalan
- Bakmi Boy, Ps. Mayestik, Jl. Cikajang
- Bakso Bola Tenis, dekat Lapangan Blok S (malam)
- Bakso/Siomay Blok S, depannya RS Kebayoran: eh..Es Podengnya enak
- Bakmi Pangsit depan RSB Asih, Melawai (BARU)
- Bakmi Permata, Permata Hijau, dekat Tops Supermarket
- Cwie Mie Malang (HCM) di Arteri Simatupang, KTS & Arteri Pondok
Indah (depan Pom Bensin)
- Baso Tirta Marta Pondok Indah, depannya Sekolah Tirta Marta: Mie Ayam
dpn gardu juga enak
- Mie Yamin Tri-M Pondok Indah, pdi pertokoan dekat Ora et Labora PI,
tetanggaan ama Sate Tri-M
- Bakmi Villa, belakang Villa Cinere Mas, Jl. Karang Tengah, Cinere
- Somay Bulungan, depan GOR Bulungan
- Somay Dorongan Borobudur, Langganannya anak Delta & DivTek kalo sore
- Baso/Somay Johni, di Pondok Indah, belakang rumah sakit pondok indah
- Mie Ayam Gang Kelinci, katanya sih yang enak di Gang Kelinci Pasar
bisa pesan pake B2 (non halal)
- Mie Ayam Gondangdia, setelah jalan kereta api, sebelah kiri
- Kwetiau sapi radio dalam, kalo dari arah Blok M menuju Pondok Indah,
sebelum showroom Golden Gate,
kayak Phoa Hoa, tapi harga pinggir jalan.
- Kwetiau Jangkung, di jalan Hayam Wuruk, setelah Holland Bakery
AYAM GORENG / BAKAR (Fried / BBQ Chicken)
- Ayam Goreng Pemuda, Jl. Surabaya, Menteng; Casblanca
- Ayam Bakar Menteng, seberang Menteng Plaza
- Pecel Ayam Bu Bambang, Ps. Benhil
- Ayam Bakar Jl. Denpasar, Kuningan, dari Casablanca sebelah kanan
- Ayam Tulang Lunak kremes WANWIN CORNER, FC.Menara Jamsostek,
FC.Depdiknas, FC. Plaza bank permata, FC.Bank Indonesia, FC.Citra Graha,
FC. Dept.kesehatan, FC.Dinas Koperasi UKM DKI, FC.Jamsostek Pusat,
FC.Depbudpar,FC.Depsos ( FC= food court di perkantoran/BUMN/departemen ),
sayangnya cuma khusus makan siang doang untuk orang kantoran . . . . . . . . . .
tapi lunaknya tulang ayam meresap sampai ke hati . . . . . . ph. 021 - 6848 6000
- Ayam Berkah, Blok M belakangnya SMP 56: yang enak yang tenda kuning,
sambelnya mantap...
- Ayam Taliwang, Tebet; Jl Wolter Monginsidi; Jl. P. Polim samping
Apotik Jaya
- Ayam Bakar SoGO (Somay Gope’), dari arah Halim – Bekasi,
sebelum Hero Kalimalang, kiri
- Ayam bakar di bunderan Blok M Plaza, sore sampe malam.
- Sea Food Rawamangun, deket Ps. Rawamangun
- Sea Food 99, Kp. Melayu, dekat RS Mitra Keluarga
- Ikan Tude, Jl. Blora
- Sea Food di Pertokoan Bintaro Sektor 9, belakang Mc Donald Sektor 9
- Sea Food depannya Bunderan PSKD IV Blok M
- Sea Food Baruna, pojokan depannya Balemang Café
- Sea Food Muara Angke: bisa beli Ikan (milih sendiri) dan minta
bakarin disana
- Pasir Putih, kalo ini sih sekalian manda di Café
- Sea Food 48 di Fatmawati, depan Jayakarta Ban, dekat perempatan
lampu merah TB Simatupang, adanya sore sampe malem aja... cumi
bakarnya enaak....
- Sate Kambing Jalan Karawang (makan siang)
- Sate Ayam bunderan Kolam Lembang
- Sate Kambing pojokan jalan Sabang, depan kantor Polisi: ngantri
- Sate Jalan Sabang, sepanjang Jalan Sabang
- Sate Kambing Ny. Semarang, Megaria/Metropole
- Sate Kambing Jono, Jl. Pejompongan
- Sate Pancoran, Jl Raya Ps. Minggu, deketnya ILP
- Sate Kambing Bu Yanti, Duren Tiga
- Sate Blok S, tetanggaan ama Baso Blok S, depan RS Kebayoran
- Sate Cikajang, Ps. Santa
- Sate Apotik Jaya, Panglima Polim
- Sate Ayam Jl. Samba
- Sate Ayam depan RS Pertamina: uenakk!
- Sate Hadori, Jl. Bangka, cabangnya Bandung: katanyaJ
- Sate Ayam di pertokoan Pondok Indah Plaza, dekat Mc Donald Pondok
Indah Plaza (malam)
- Sate Tri-M Pondok Indah, di pertokoan deket Ora et Labora Pondok
Indah (siang)
- Sate Kambing Pak Haji Jl. Karang Tengah, dekat perempatan Lb. Bulus
(Hero Lb. Bulus) – Kr.Tengah
- Sate Ayam Santa, di seberang Pizza Hut Santa, sebelum Rumah Makan
sebelah kiri jalan satenya gede gede, satu porsi pasti kenyang
- Sate Kambing Jono, Jl. Pejernihan satenya gede gede, apalagi hati,
wah, enak,
jangan kebanyakan bisa naik kolesterol juga ada gule / tongseng
- Steak Cemara Art & Curio, Jl. Cemara
- Steak di dalam pelataran Komplek Taman Ismail Marzuki IKJ
- Steak 41, Jl Tendean, sebelahnya Golden Truly
- Steak Rollies, di Kampung Tenda Semanggi: Chicken Steak nya enak,
murah lagi
- Bebek Balap, di Tenda Bis Tingkat Semanggi
- Steak AG Blok S, sebelahnya baso, somay Blok S
- ABUBA (Abu Bakar), Cipete: awas banyak asep!
- Kemang Steak, Jl. H. Nawi
- Sizzler
- Tony Roma’s
- Deketnya Mesjid Sunda Kelapa
- Sepanjang Jalan Karawang
- Jl. Mendut, deketnya Prambors, pas tikungan deket KONTRAS
- GULTIK (Gule Tikungan): ada yang bilang Gule Tikus.....hiiii: -)
- Sepanjang Bunderan Bulungan Blok M, awas banyak Pe*%#K- nya
- Sop Buntut, deketnya Mesjid Cut Mutiah, siang doank,
kadang-kadang jam 13.00 udah abis
- Soto Mie Jl. Cilacap, Menteng
- Soto Mie YPK, depan RSB YPK, Jl. Gereja Theresia
- M. Soleh Kumis 999, Jalan Blora
- Soto Madura Ps. Baru, di pojokan seberang jalannya Mesjid Istiqlal
- Soto Mie Jl. Lautze, Ps. Baru
- Soto Madura Gubeng, Jl. Juanda, Sebelah Bank Mandiri (d/h Bank Exim)
- Sop Buntut-nya Hotel Borobudur
- Coto Makassar Kelapa Gading, Jl. Boulevard
- Soto Betawi, tembusannya jalan Minangkabau
- Soto Bang Husein Jl. Minangkabau dekat Dop mobil
- Soto Gebrak, di Lapangan Ros Tebet, yang enak pas tikungan, deketnya
tukang Ban
- Sop Konro, Makasar, di Jl. Lap Ros Tebet, awas ngantri
- Sop Kambing Irwan, seberang RSB Asih, Melawai
- Soto Kudus Blok A
- Soto Ayam UKI Cawang letaknya di tengah lapang, agak terperosok ke
- Soto/Sop Ayam By Pass, di prempatan depannya Samsat Cipinang, yang ke
tembusan Otista, sebelah kiri setelah lampu merah
- Soto Ayam Ambengan Surabaya, Jl. Walter Monginsidi
- Soto Kudus Blok M, Jl. Radio Dalam
- Soto Kudus, Deketnya Sekolah Muhammadyah 3
- Soto Mie Jl. Cilacap, disebelah U Bung Karno
- Soto Mie Pejompongan / Penjernihan (dekat lapangan Merah)
- Pecel Lele, Jl. Juanda depan Bank DKI
- Dapsun (Dapur Sunda), (1) Jl Cipete 200m dari Golden Truly;
(2) Jl. Gatot Subroto ex MBAU
- Dapur Sunda Laksana, sebelah Bakmie GM Melawai
- Gudeg di dalam Ps. Cikini
- Gudeg Mbak Trie, depannya Lintas Melawai Club
- Gudeg Lesehan Blok M, deketnya 5 a sec Blok M, Jl. Panglima Polim
- Gudeg Lesehan deketnya Hotel Melawai
- Jalan Kramat deket Fly Over Senen, aneka masakan Padang di jual
- Sate Padang depan supermarket Tip Top, Rawamangun
- Sate Padang seberang Lippo Menteng
- Sate Padang Goyang Lidah depan Cinere Mall
- Sate Padang Mak Syukur, Food Court Pasaraya Blok M
- Sate Padang, Plaza Pondok Indah, yang jualan Bo'ong kebanyakan udah
bukan orang Padang lagi
- Soto Padang Jl. Pintu Air, Ps. Baru
- Restoran Aceh di Ps. Baru, deketnya Antara: Masakannya dicampur pake
rempah-rempah, termasuk Ganja, tapi ueenaakk
- Rumah Makan Medan Jaya, Gule Kepala Ikan sama Asam: ganja (?) nya Ok
- Ayam Pop RM Sederhana: paling enak sih yang di Sabang
- Lemon Grass (Le Meridien) offers an all Asian menu
- Asiatique (The Regent) has the best Asian fusion
- Curry likers will love Hazara and Shah Jahan (Sahid Jaya Hotel)
For classic Cantonese cuisine eaten in luxury, try:
- Pagoda Restaurant (Dusit Mangga Dua),
- Dragon Court (Sheraton Media),
- Remaja (Chineese), Komp. Mal Kelapa Gading
- Hua Ting (Millenium Sirih Jakarta),
- Shang Palace (Shangrila Hotel),
- Samudra Shark's Fin (Hotel Mulia),
- Crystal Jade Palace Int'l (Wisma BNI 46), Teratai (Borobudur),
- Lotus Court (Hotel Omni Batavia)
Szechuan lovers will want to go to :
- Xin Hwa (Mandarin Oriental)
- T'ang (Aston Atrium)
- Tien Chao (Gran Melia) offer traditional Cantonese Cuisine and
Dim Sum on the weekend.
- Try also Ming (Rasuna Said)
And for tempting Thai food, there's:
- Sukhotai (Sheraton Media)
- Lan Na Thai
For exotic Malaysian dishes, try :
- Mat Dollah (Sarinah building)
- Al Nafoura (Le Meridien) offers delicious Lebanese Food
- Cinnabar has an Asian/international mix
Recommendations include :
- Nadaman (Shangrila),
- Tanpa Nama (Jepang), Jl. Kebun Binatang, Cikini
- Roku-roku (Jepang), sepanjang Jl. Fatmawati (dekat 5 a sec)
- Aoi (Le Meridien),
- Keyaki (Sari Pan Pacific Hotel),
- Shima (Aryaduta Hotel),
- Bushido (Hotel Sahid Jaya),
- Nippon-kan (Jakarta Hilton),
- Sumire (Grand Hyatt),
- Kirishima (Gran Melia Jakarta),
- Kahyangan (Presiden Hotel),
- Miyama (Borobudur)
- Tokio Joe (Mandarin Oriental)
Those with a penchant for sushi and sashimi should visit :
- Sushi Ipachi (Wisma Kyoei Prince),
- Kashi-No Ipachi (Wisma BNI 46),
- Nogiku (Atlet Century),
- Niwa (Aston Atrium),
- Edogin (Hotel Mulia)
- Ryoutei AOI (Le Meridien)
- Gado-gado Jl. Cemara (dekat Ps. Boplo), bumbunya pake kacang mede
- Gado-gado Jl. Kertajaya, jejeran Jl. Adityawarman
- Gado-gado Jl. Kertanegara
- Gado-gado Jl. Daksa
- Gado-gado Gelora, Ps Tebet Barat lantai basement
- Ketoprak Jl. Sunda (dekat Sarinah), deketnya GM sama Inter Studi
- Ketoprak Jl. Borobudur kalo ini deket kantor Divisi Tehnik Masima
- Ketoprak di Lapangan Parkir Pacuan Kuda Pulo Mas
- Ketoprak Atma Jaya, didalem Kantin Kampus Unika Atma Jaya
- Ketoprak STEKPI, dekat lapangan parkir STEKPI
- Ketoprak Jl. Ciragil
- Ketoprak Jl. Cikajang
- Siomay Dorongan Borobudur
- Siomay Bulungan, depan GOR Bulungan
- Siomay Bandung, Jl Cipete.
- Siomay Senayan, Plaza Senayan Lt. Dasar, dekat Hero
- Bakpau Theresia, dekat kompleks Gereja Theresia
- Lumpia Jakarta, Jl. Pecenongan
- Pempek Jl. Garuda, Kemayoran
- Pempek Jl. Radio Dalam
- Pempek di depan Lapangan Blok S, sebelah salon: Top!!
- Otak - otak Jl. Sangaji, Tanah Abang:mahal oi... tapi es kelapa +
kopyornya enak lho!
- Otak-otak deketnya Mesjid Istiqlal: yang jualan pake dorongan
- Martabak Favorit Bandung Rawamangun, depannya Apotik Rini Rawamangun
/ Tiptop
- Martabak Mesir Kubang, Jl. Sahardjo
- Martabak Bandung, di Manggarai jalan Minangkabau
(3A kalau nggak salah mereknya)
- Martabak Tendean, di Restoran Mbok Berek Tendean
- Martabak Bandung Fatmawati, dkt Perempatan Cipete, yang enak yang
sebelahnya Toko Karpet
- Martabak Bangka TOMANG, tempat persisnya gue lupa
- Martabak Spotlite, (1) Jl. Fatmawati; (2) Jl. Cinere Raya
- Martabak Bandung Blok M, deketnya Duta, Barito
- Martabak Pela, cabangnya martabak Barito
- Martabak Bangka yang deket RCTI, deket toko buah
- Martabak Telor Cikini, seberang Hias Rias, didepan pengadilan tinggi
- Martabak Bandung Santiago, di jl. Fatmawati, depan showroom
Suzuki/Citra Asri Buana,
kalo dari Blok A, setelah Pasar Cipete, sebelum jalan Sawo.
- Tahu Isi Tiptop, Rawamangun
- Toge Goreng Ps. Baru, belakang Metro, Gg. Tua Pek Kong
- Tahu Campur - di Jln. Ateri Pondok Indah, seblm perempatan
Komplek KOSTRAD (sore-malam)
- Kerak Telor PRJ, pokoknya kalo yang jual orang Betawi pasti enak
- Di pelataran RuKo Pondok Indah Plaza, biasanya mangkal deket Mc
- Di Monas, deket Gambir
- Pas PRJ di Kemayoran
- Juice Duren Ps. Cikini
- Pancake Es Cream nya Cafe Regal
- Tiramisu-nya Nanini Cafe Plaza Senayan
- Ice Capucinno - nya Ola La Café
- Baskin Robins
- Es Doger Jl Besuki
- Es Krim Ragusa (Italia), Jl Veteran
- Es Duren Matraman, Jl Matraman Raya
- Es Kelapa / Kopyor - Otak-otak Jl. Sangaji
- Es Doger / Es Kelapa Jl. Karawang
- Es Palu Butung, jualannya di Sop Konro, atau restoran Makasar
- Es Podeng Blok S, temenannya Sate Blok S
- Es Teler 77, masih enak ngga sih
- Es Kelapa / Kopyor - Otak-otak Sangaji
- Asinan Jl. Kamboja, depan Tiptop Rawamangun
- Rujak Ulek/Serut/Juhi di Jl. Sabang depan Robinson
- Di depan Markas KODAM JAK-SEL, dari Jl. Arteri Pondok Indah,
yang mo ke PI, pas di perempatan KOSTRAD, belok kiri, - 100 meter
sebelah kiri (ada pas siang doank)
- Rujak Aceh di Pasaraya Blok M
- Kue coklat Maison Benny, Jl. Cikini, dekat TIM
- Pistales SMA III, Jl. Setia Budi
- Kue Tradisional Ny. Ali, Jl. Kramat Pela
- Toko Kue TV Jl. Cikajang: enak!!!
- Martin, Pal Merah
- Kue Basah Blok M, Jl. Palapa 5 No. 21 Kedoya,Jakbar
Telp. 021-5828721, HP. 08128201011
Terima Pesanan Partai besar
- Roti Bakar Edi, terkenal sejak jaman taon 80'an,
di Jalan Daksa, ada jualan Nasi Uduk + Ayam, kalo pesen bilang aja,
Nasi Uduk Ayam Injek-injek
- Roti Bakar Wiwied, Jl Fatmawati, depannya ATM BCA Fatmawati,
deket Komp. Keuangan
- Roti Bakar Pondok Indah, deket RS Pondok Indah
- Roti Bakar di Bunderan PSKD IV Blok M
Pubs and Clubs Guide
Aphrodite,Post- fitness party place in Klub Rasuna
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. C 22 Tel: 5263150
Blok M's premier live music venue with good food and cocktails.
Hotel Ambhara, Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No. 1 Kebayoran Baru, Ph. 270 0800
Balemang Boheme
Bohemian-themed music venue catering to executive partygoers.
Jl. Wijaya I No. 53 Kabayoran Baru, Ph. 723 3977-8
The Bar
Sophisticated jazz bar with good musicians.
Regent Hotel, Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Ph. 252 3456
Barbados Huge, pirate-themed, live music and eating venue.
Jl. Kemang Raya No. 68 Tel. 7199346
A popular after work expat haunt. Serves everything big.
Kota BNI, Jl. Jend. Sudirman kav 1, Ph. 570 7440
Lively, young crowd with dance music and slick blazing bar trick.
Next to Hard Rock Café, Jl. Thamrin
Impressive modern techno club with one of the best sounds systems
Kawasan Niaga Terpadu Sudirman Lot 14, Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Ph. 515 5008
Blueprints Bar
Personable staff offers hotel guests and Slipi residents a comfortable
atmosphere. Bulevar Park Plaza, Jl. S. Parman Kav. 93-94, Ph. 569 60888
Upstairs at Brasserie
Comfort and sophistication unite in this wine bar and cigar lounge.
Plaza Bisnis Kemang 1, Jl. Kemang Raya No. 2, Ph. 7183422
Bu Gils
Amsterdam style bar with a cozy atmosphere inside and terrace outside.
Taman Ria Senayan, Laguna Ria Building, Ph. 574 7650
Huge sports bar with burgers, fajitas and Asian food.
Jl. Kemang Raya No. 10, Ph. 719 9041
One of the most tasteful and modern designs in town and latest places
for the in-crowd.
Ph. 390 3615
One of the best bars in town in Jakarta's trendiest hotel.
Hotel Mulia, Jl. Asia Afrika Senayan, Ph. 574 7777
Cuba Libre
Latin bar with cocktails and cigar lounge upstairs from Domus.
Jl. Veteran I, Ph. 344 7288
Club 45
Smart, trendy bar for the upper class set on weekends
Jl. Mahakam I No. 17 Blok M Ph. 7208888
The Face Bar
Trendy, ethnic and atmospheric bar above Lan Na Thai, Ph. 325 037
Fashion Café
Brought to you by Naomi Campbell et al.
Wisma BNI Ground Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 1, Ph. 574 4488
Front Row
Taman Ria Senayan Jl. Gatot Subroto Ph. 5747231
Gypsy Bar and Wayang Restaurant
Eclectic music in a traditional gypsy erotic style atmosphere.
Jl. Iskandarsyah I/9, Kebayoran Baru, Ph. 727 94243
Happy Dragon
Hotel Dusit Mangga Dua, Jl. Mangga Dua Raya, Ph. 612 8811
Hard Rock Café
The right mix of good live music and DJ sounds. Always full and lively.
Sarinah Building, Jl. Thamrin, Ph. 390 3565
Jalan Jalan
Bar, Live music, disco, pool table, chill-out area,
revolving restaurant and Japanese restaurant.
Menara Imperium, JL. HR Rasuna Said, Ph. 835 3979
City's leading jazz club with great crowds. Lippo Sudirman Grand Suite,
Jl. Garnisun Dalam 8, Ph. 574 5670-72
Balinese décor, Spanish Mexican menu, live reggae, funk and latin
Jl. Kemang Raya 85, Ph. 717 91537
Jakarta's own authentic Irish pub. Hotel Gran Melia, Ph. 526 8080
Komodo Airways
Famous for it's delicious pizza. Hotel Atlet Century, Ph. 571 2094
Lively café with a motor racing theme. Taman Ria Senayan, Ph. 574 7020
Manna by Dionysius Wine Lounge
Comfortable, fashionable wine bar. Modern, jazzy and latest place
for the in-crowd.
Taman Ria Senayan, East End Bldg, unit 101, Jl. Gatot Subroto Ph.
Mario’s Place
American-style eatery with cool bar downstairs and live music.
Ground Fl., Menteng Plaza Ph. 3917301
Mata Bar
Youngest, funniest place around, where the unpretentious crowd is
out to party, aided by some very silly theme nights. Tunes are strictly
mainstream dance, hip-hop and some crowd pleasing Indonesian pop
Can get packed. Great view. See restaurant entry.
Metropolitan II building, Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Ph. 571 0064
Morgan's Classic Disco
Named after the classic convertible that dominates the pub's décor.
Hotel Aston Atrium, Ph. 344 2826
Techno music and ancient Greek décor.
Borobudur Hotel, Jl. Lapangan Banteng, Ph. 384 2050
New Age Bar
Upstairs from Hazara, it's a must for pre or post dinner drinks.
Ph. 315 0424
News Café I and II
Two slick and modern upmarket cafes with varied menus and first class
Jl. Kemang Raya, Ph. 717 92575.
Setiabudi Building I, Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Ph. 525 7376
Irish bar aiming at greater authenticity than the others,
including Guiness and Kilkenny on tap. Cold atmosphere but great pub
Hotel Menara Peninsula,
Jl. S. Parman 78 Slipi Ph. 5350888
Oishii Lounge Extension of the funky Japanese restaurant
Jl. Kemang Raya No. 2 Ph. 7197607
Stylish upmarket hangouts with live music in the evenings and great bar
Grand Hyatt, Jl. MH Thamrin, Ph. 390 1234
At the forefront of taste and style with minimalist décor, a mirrored
and smart bathrooms. The tiny dancefloor pasks out easily to some
dance, garage and drum and bass.
Wisma Iskandarsyah, Ph. 723 5123
Paprika Highly trend and modern wine lounge and restaurant
Jl. Wahid Hasyim No. 55A Ph. 3144113
Planet Hollywood
The world's 16th planet Hollywood is right below the Studio 21
cinema on Jl. Gatot Subroto, Ph. 526 7827
This big, slick club-in-a-hotel is presently the in place among
trend-obsessed Jakartans. Smart, colorful decorations, a spectacular
light show and a crisp, clear sound system make a night out here
a sensual extravaganza. DJs keep the upmarket public grooving to
a funky dance set with some R & B, techno and disco thrown in.
Parking spaces, queuing times and drinks prices
are all at a premium.
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Ph. 526 8833
RJ’s Sport Bar and Grill Drinks, food, pool, satellite TV and
live music on Fri & Sat. Imperial Century Hotel 401 Bulevar
Jend. Sudirman, Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang. Ph. 5460101
Popular latin party place in the middle of Kemang.
Good pasta, good music, funky crowd and a quality pool table.
Jl. Kemang Selatan Raya, Ph. 719 5556
Stanford Arms
Genuinely authentic British pub with good beers and an
excellent steak and kidney pie. This and friendly staff make it an
after work drinking venue of choice.
Hotel Ambara, Blok M, Ph. 270 0888
Great food and targeted advertising make this a popular venue.
Park Lane Hotel, Ph. 828 2000
TGI Fridays
American bars for those who like drinking imported beers and watching
barmen juggle their shakers. Komplek Taman Ria Senayan, Ph. 574 2083 or
Ascott Hotel, Kebon Kacang, Ph. 391 6868
The Tavern
Refreshingly there are no gimmicks at this relaxing, hospitable
hotel bar famous for its hot-stone steaks - a sizzling experience.
Aryaduta Hotel, Jl. Prapatan, Ph. 231 1239
Tiga Puluh
The 30s style music bar at Le Meridien Hotel. Resident band
attitude plays 'jam swing' on an impressive central stage.
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Ph. 251 3131
Yacht Club
Live music venue in the north. Sheraton Media,
Jl. Gunung Sahari, Ph. 626 3001
Waroeng Kemang
Ph. 719 0371-74
Menara Pisa
Crowded young people, live music, good pizza and pasta and ice cream.
Jl. Gereja Theresia, Menteng.
Blok M’s premier live music venue with good food and cocktails.
Hotel Ambhara, Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No. 1 Kebayoran Baru,
Ph. 270 0800.
·Balemang Boheme
Bohemian-themed music venue catering to executive partygoers.
Jl. Wijaya I No. 53 Kabayoran Baru, Ph. 723 3977-8.
·The Bar
Sophisticated jazz bar with good musicians.
Regent Hotel, Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Ph. 252 3456.
A popular after work expat haunt. Serves everything big.
Kota BNI, Jl. Jend. Sudirman kav 1, Ph. 570 7440.
Lively, young crowd with dance music and slick blazing bar trick.
Next to Hard Rock Café, Jl. Thamrin.
Impressive modern techno club with one of the best sounds systems
Kawasan Niaga Terpadu Sudirman Lot 14, Jl. Jend. Sudirman,
·Blueprints Bar
Personable staff offers hotel guests and Slipi residents a comfortable
Bulevar Park Plaza, Jl. S. Parman Kav. 93-94, Ph. 569 60888.
·Upstairs at Brasserie
Comfort and sophistication unite in this wine bar and cigar lounge.
Plaza Bisnis Kemang 1, Jl. Kemang Raya No. 2, Ph. 718 3422.
·Bu Gils
Amsterdam style bar with a cozy atmosphere inside and terrace outside.
Taman Ria Senayan, Laguna Ria Building, Ph. 574 7650.
Huge sports bar with burgers, fajitas and Asian food.
JL. Kemang Raya No. 10, Ph. 719 9041.
One of the most tasteful and modern designs in town and latest
places for the in-crowd. Ph. 390 3615.
One of the best bars in town in Jakarta’s trendiest hotel.
Hotel Mulia, Jl. Asia Afrika Senayan, Ph. 574 7777.
·Cuba Libre
Latin bar with cocktails and cigar lounge upstairs from Domus.
Jl. Veteran I, Ph. 344 7288.
Smart, modern décor and mainstream dance music.
Live band on Wednesday and Thursday.
Jl. Kemang Selatan 2, Ph. 780 5610.
·The Face Bar
Trendy, ethnic and atmospheric bar above Lan Na Thai, Ph. 325 037.
·Fashion Café
Brought to you by Naomi Campbell et al.
Wisma BNI Ground Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 1, Ph. 574 4488.
·Gypsy Bar and Wayang Restaurant
Eclectic music in a traditional gypsy erotic style atmosphere.
Jl. Iskandarsyah I/9, Kebayoran Baru, Ph. 727 94243.
·Happy Dragon
Hotel Dusit Mangga Dua, Jl. Mangga Dua Raya, Ph. 612 8811.
·Hard Rock Café
The right mix of good live music and DJ sounds.
Always full and lively.
Sarinah Building, Jl. Thamrin, Ph. 390 3565.
·Jalan Jalan
Bar, Live music, disco, pool table, chill-out area,
revolving restaurant and Japanese restaurant.
Menara Imperium, JL. HR Rasuna Said, Ph. 835 3979.
City’s leading jazz club with great crowds.
Lippo Sudirman Grand Suite, Jl. Garnisun Dalam 8, Ph. 574 5670-72.
Balinese décor, Spanish Mexican menu, live reggae, funk and latin
Jl. Kemang Raya 85, Ph. 717 91537.
Jakarta’s own authentic Irish pub. Hotel Gran Melia, Ph. 526 8080.
·Komodo Airways
Famous for it’s delicious pizza. Hotel Atlet Century, Ph. 571 2094.
Lively café with a motor racing theme. Taman Ria Senayan, Ph. 574 7020.
·Mata Bar
Youngest, funniest place around, where the unpretentious crowd is out
aided by some very silly theme nights. Tunes are strictly mainstream
hip-hop and some crowd pleasing Indonesian pop favorites. Can get
Great view. See restaurant entry.
Metropolitan II building, Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Ph. 571 0064.
·Morgan’s Classic Disco
Named after the classic convertible that dominates the pub’s décor.
Hotel Aston Atrium, Ph. 344 2826.
Techno music and ancient Greek décor.
Borobudur Hotel, Jl. Lapangan Banteng, Ph. 384 2050.
·New Age Bar
Upstairs from Hazara, it’s a must for pre or post dinner drinks.
·News Café I and II
Two slick and modern upmarket cafes with varied menus and first class
Jl. Kemang Raya, Ph. 717 92575.
Setiabudi Building I, Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Ph. 525 7376.
At the forefront of taste and style with minimalist décor, a mirrored
and smart bathrooms. The tiny dancefloor pasks out easily to some
garage and drum and bass.
Wisma Iskandarsyah, Ph. 723 5123.
Stylish upmarket hangouts with live music in the evenings and great bar
Grand Hyatt, Jl. MH Thamrin, Ph. 390 1234.
This big, slick club-in-a-hotel is presently the in place among
Jakartans. Smart, colorful decorations, a spectacular light show and a
clear sound system make a night out here a sensual extravaganza.
DJs keep the upmarket public grooving to a funky dance set with some R
& B,
techno and disco thrown in. Parking spaces, queuing times and drinks
all at a premium.
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Ph. 526 8833.
·Padi Padi
Stylish bar. Ph. 7179, 1405.
·Planet Hollywood
The world’s 16th planet Hollywood is right below the Studio 21
on Jl. Gatot Subroto, Ph. 526 7827.
Popular latin party place in the middle of Kemang.
Good pasta, good music, funky crowd and a quality pool table.
Kemang Selatan Raya, Ph. 719 5556.
·Stanford Arms
Genuinely authentic British pub with good beers and an excellent steak
and kidney pie. This and friendly staff make it an after work drinking
venue of choice.
Hotel Ambara, Blok M, Ph. 270 0888.
Great food and targeted advertising make this a popular venue.
Park Lane Hotel, Ph. 828 2000.
·TGI Fridays
American bars for those who like drinking imported beers and watching
juggle their shakers.
Komplek Taman Ria Senayan, Ph. 574 2083 or Ascott Hotel, Kebon Kacang,
391 6868.
·The Tavern
Refreshingly there are no gimmicks at this relaxing, hospitable hotel
famous for its hot-stone steaks – a sizzling experience.
Aryaduta Hotel, Jl. Prapatan, Ph. 231 1239.
·Tiga Puluh
The 30s style music bar at Le Meridien Hotel. Resident band attitude
‘jam swing’ on an impressive central stage.
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Ph. 251 3131.
·Yacht Club
Live music venue in the north. Sheraton Media, Jl. Gunung Sahari,
·Waroeng Kemang
·Menara Pisa
Crowded young people, live music, good pizza and pasta and ice cream.
Jl. Gereja theresia, Menteng.
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