The following are few ways to flatten the big tummy:
> Drinking Water
If you feel your tummy full because of water retention effect, actually you can solve this problem by drinking more water. This will reduce the sodium concentration in the body so as to increase the water that is released out of the system. Drinking more water is also to let the gall bladder function more effectively in excreting waste from the body. Do not change the water consumption pattern while doing slimming program because there will be a lot of food undigested properly and this will cause the tummy bloated.
> Reducing salt consumption
Avoid the habit of quick eating, because when you swallow food too fast, there will be some air trapped in intestines and it forms gas that bloats the tummy. Remain seated while eating and munch slowly. The food that is not munched into relatively small pieces will not be digested properly. It will eventually form gas that make the tummy bloated.
> Eating slowly
Too much salt in our diet will add extra sodium into body liquid that slows down the mechanism and this will push water out of cells. As a result, we will feel our tummies full and bloated.
> Consuming the correct fibre
Fiber is an important element in the diet. To balance up the water retention effect, choose fibre in fruit
s that contain a lot of water, e.g. apple, pear.
> Monitoring medical treatment
Bloated tummy can be due to the side effect of consuming certain medicine. Aspirin sometimes can cause bowel clearance disruption and tummy bloating. The same applies to contraception pill.
> Avoiding bowel clearance disruption
Bowel clearance activity is disrupted when one has it less than three times a week. As a result, we can feel our tummy full and big. To stimulate tummy activity, increase fibre intake from fruit and vegetable. Do it gradually to prevent any fermentation or excessive gas production.
> Doing exercise
Doing exercise will help to stimulate body liquid released from the system. It will then go into blood stream and be excreted as sweat or be brought to gall bladder, excreted as urine. The recommended exercise will be aerobic.
This article is excerpted from an email. The result of the advices mentioned above is not guaranteed and proved yet. Therefore, if you happen to practise it and benefit from it, please leave us some comment:)
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